

Niall McDevitt

gris         empty as the channels          manufactory         pulped by quants


the poesy is monostich                       written blocks





spells                grammar


newspaper ceiling       London commas)


the four humours       

                                           oh grey state


mounds            the size of Jupiter           humans in their mass 


the population of sinkland       darwinian by law       


                              bourgeois trolley-cameras roll 

                              through the sold-off henges 

                              hoping to capture 



inspissation walls          dirt         thickens the spaffing


gris corpses gris suits 

                                   line the advantageous balcons


I was cleansed too               by the rock salts        


the weather turned black-and-white


fighting for oysters     

by industrial islands                    

                                                  the fish-lipped politicians


I believe in the slow sinkage of the man-made


the king of infrastructure                     in a gas-holder crown

              (a sainsbury bag landscape)              

orange tory


  a shortcut through ice        


                      the land days are over


in the heads torn off         the derricks         the rules unspoken


false voices       once omnilocated          are ‘shut the fuck up’

no one does them anymore


                                        it’s raining

liquid diets


the sink states        watery        as annals of tears


nylon skins


by rivers of missing names           the





the erosion           




          George Blake                         was here


the bags we were clad in        


death is ten miles away         maybe twenty         hurry


the ground      the buntings      are the wrong colour       feet


shadows in the window      windows in the shadow


kingship divvied 

                                  among a thousand rich-listers      


                the whole sea       gulps             a tear



the realisation(        

we are not good enough for rooms         asset holes


mandarins              pander                  sharpen



lemmings from the crownland jump


                 scooters queue for the sea


dover graffiti  [ write your own monostich here ]


dover graffiti  [ write your own monostich here ]


dover graffiti  [                                   ]


dover graffiti  [                                   ]



Niall McDevitt

Niall McDevitt is the author of three collections of poetry, b/w (Waterloo Press, 2010), Porterloo (International Times, 2013) and Firing Slits, Jerusalem Colportage (New River Press, 2016). In 2012 he read at Yoko Ono’s Meltdown. In 2016, he performed his poetry in Iraq at the Babylon Festival.  In 2020 he featured in The Bard at Flat Time House, a multimedia tribute to William Blake and John Latham. His essays have been published in The London Magazine, History Today and BBC London among others. He is renowned for his poetopographical walks about Shakespeare, Blake, Rimbaud, Yeats and others. He blogs at